Sony India has introduced a perfect hip and stylish accessory - the new NWZ-A726 Video MP3 Walkman. Slimmer and more streamlined, NWZ-A726 offers great video resolution and brightness, along with high-quality sound and a phenomenal battery life giving all die hard music fanatics a reason to smile.
The Sony NWZ-A726 is stocked with features, including music, photo, and video playback. On the audio end of things, the A720 support WMA, AAC, linear PCM and MP3 music formats, plus JPEG files for photos, in addition to the AVC (H.264/AVC) Baseline Profile and MPEG-4 video codecs. Sony's four clear audio technologies such as Clear Bass, Clear Stereo, Digital Sound Enhancement Engine (DSEE), and 13 φEX Headphones significantly improve sound quality when playing back digital music files. They fill in the high tones that can be lost during file compression, enhance the bass, minimize distortion and maintain a consistent channel signal creating a better listener experience.
For exceptional image quality, the NWZ-A726 has a bigger 2.4 (6.1 cm) QVGA (320 by 240 pixels) LCD screen that displays video at 30 frames per second either in landscape or portrait view. Also audio and video files are automatically bookmarked when the player is stopped or shut down.
The NWZ-A726 has a standard user interface that makes it easy to enjoy songs, videos or pictures. The square four-way navigation pad on the NWZ-A726 is flanked by two small option and menu buttons. All other buttons are confined to the right side of the player, including a rocker switch for volume control and a hold switch. The bottom of the NWZ-A726 Video MP3 Walkman features a headphone output and proprietary USB connection.
The NWZ-A726 has an excellent battery life (impressive 36 hours of audio playback and 10 hours of video) that can store up to 925 songs, for songs on an average of four minutes in length at 128kbps in the MP3 format. Retailed in a black metal casing across select Sony stores, the 4GB NWZ-A726 MP3 Walkman is priced at Rs.8,990.
For exceptional image quality, the NWZ-A726 has a bigger 2.4 (6.1 cm) QVGA (320 by 240 pixels) LCD screen that displays video at 30 frames per second either in landscape or portrait view. Also audio and video files are automatically bookmarked when the player is stopped or shut down.
The NWZ-A726 has a standard user interface that makes it easy to enjoy songs, videos or pictures. The square four-way navigation pad on the NWZ-A726 is flanked by two small option and menu buttons. All other buttons are confined to the right side of the player, including a rocker switch for volume control and a hold switch. The bottom of the NWZ-A726 Video MP3 Walkman features a headphone output and proprietary USB connection.
The NWZ-A726 has an excellent battery life (impressive 36 hours of audio playback and 10 hours of video) that can store up to 925 songs, for songs on an average of four minutes in length at 128kbps in the MP3 format. Retailed in a black metal casing across select Sony stores, the 4GB NWZ-A726 MP3 Walkman is priced at Rs.8,990.
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